By Mollie Eisler | November 14, 2022

Marketer by day, shuffler by night (and also by day when the mood strikes!), MBA grad, and entrepreneur, Sara Yun, is truly multi-talented. Hailing from California originally, Sara is no stranger to the live music scene, and dance has always been an outlet that strengthened her connection to music. Through electronic shows and festivals, Sara was exposed to shuffling, and she’s been practicing her craft ever since (queue “Party Rock” by LMFAO). And let’s just say, ya girl’s got skills. Through her journey mastering the art of the shuffle, she started a community that helps dancers connect to learn shuffling from each other.

Born during the pandemic and from a personal need to improve her own skills, Sara began connecting with top shufflers across the globe on social media and learning from their videos. Aggregating these videos on Instagram and putting her marketing skills to work, she built a shuffling network (over 114K strong at the time of writing this article) and saw an opportunity to make shuffling more accessible and inclusive. She created a platform where aspiring and advanced shufflers alike can find classes to take from best-in-class instructors all over the world, both in-person and online. It’s called Moon Shuffle, where the motto is: Learn to shuffle ⭒ Connect with music ⭒ Express yourself ⭒ Find your flow. 

In search of our flow, we caught up with Sara, where she answered a few questions for the groovement:

What was your first concert?
My first concert was seeing the Rolling Stones in 2002 in Las Vegas.

Where are you from/when did you move to nyc?
I’m originally from San Diego and moved to NYC in September 2013.

What do you do?
I shuffle! Dance is a way for me to express myself and my love for music.

Who/what do you draw inspiration from?
I draw inspiration from all different types of music and from dance. The songs that inspire me the most are ones that invoke a feeling of melancholy, nostalgia, and longing — for another place, time, or person. That kind of music creates a beautiful clash of feelings that’s really thought provoking for me.

What does live music mean to you?
For me, live music is such an important and special part of my life. It’s an honor to experience an artist’s storytelling and sharing their work face to face, in person. And on the flip side, there’s also something so magical about the energy of the crowd in the room when an artist is playing — the music threads people from all walks of life to have this unique shared experience together. It’s a beautiful form of communication and connection.

Connect with Sara (Instagram, TikTok), the Moon Shuffle community, and peep the class schedule.

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