Red Lantern
The Red Lantern party, a Lunar New Year celebration that brings together different social, musical, and artistic nightlife cultures, seeks to strengthen the pride around the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community within NYC nightlife. It will showcase the diverse and colorful culture, history, and traditions of the AAPI community through curated displays and decorations and carefully selected musical artists.
Aka the way we groove. Our community supports each other to maintain a safe and groovy environment for all. Read on for a sense of our ethos.
Mental Health in the Music Industry
Mental health affects all of us. From children finding their way in school, to older folks enjoying their retirement, it can always be a challenge to keep our minds in the right space. This is especially true in the music business, an industry that works around the clock and often forces artists and business people out of their comfort zones.
The groovement is a community for all lovers of live music. Read on to learn about how to use all the features of our platform, sign up for groovemail, get in touch, and more!
Backline is a company everyone in the music industry should know about. Founded in 2019, Backline is a non-profit that facilitates free or discounted mental health services to all members of the music business.